
Monday, December 6, 2021


Thursday, November 4, 2021


 In Health we were set a task that required us to make a project explaining the dangers of vaping I chose to make a game, our success criteria were to finish the game we choose to make a game firstly we designed the level from there we had to make the ai be able to target the player and shoot It was challenging when the enemy ai code had become broken I coped with this challenge by remaking the enemy code I worked well with others because we are friends and worked well together next time I will do a more detailed map design I am proud of the enemy code.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Aim: To calculate the area and voltage of a house

Method: Pick a house and put in a number of light bulbs and choose rooms

Discussion: the calculations for the area are width times height and the calculations for the voltage are v \ r = c

Current, a flow of electricity that results from the ordered directional movement of electrically charged particles.

Voltage, an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts.

Resistance, the degree to which a substance or device opposes the passage of an electric current, causing energy dissipation. By Ohm's law resistance (measured in ohms) is equal to the voltage divided by the current.

Conclusion: I did not enjoy the project it was far too short and easy if I were to do it again I would pick a harder house but it would still be too easy.

Current is 200 on the top-line 100 in the other two lines.

Friday, October 29, 2021



Sentences with somewhat fixed grammar.

Never mind Im off to town call tonight it's a long drive but need money baby.

Gemma Gionni is only trying to look out for you don't disrespect him just acknowledge his wisdom, he's got your back but can't help you if you don't help yourself but don't disacknowledge what he has to say because he has done nothing but try to help me and would not hesitate to help you if u needed I love you give me a call if you need someone to vent.

Well just finished the interview and she whispered to me that she's hiring me!!! Today has already been a great day!!!

I moved out of john's it wasn't working out so here I am back in the dating scene so if anybody knows any single guys let me know; one's that don't drink or use drugs that are decent.

So sad, can't believe such an amazing entertainer gone, touched so many lives, will

be sadly missed... rip

That girl is cool, your not lol.

Nobody is taking my second amendment right to bear arms. I'm dead.

Well, I'm going to call it an early night since I and Ryan are having Christmas dinner at our house this year. So good smelling food being cooked all morning long to bring good times and good memories will be made tomorrow with all of us together.

I miss you sister hope everything is OK, sometime we need to hang out.

My kids are my life, my world and if it wasn't for them I would do something crazy to people that cross me, but at the end of the day, they get lucky cause my children to save them for real.


Friday, October 22, 2021


Write a sentence where someone speaks.

"I am speaking words," said I 

Write a sentence using a song title. 

Their favorite song was "いじめっ子Bully"

Write a sentence where someone asks a question.

"Is it?" said I

Write a sentence where someone says something, and there's an exclamation point.

"Is it!?" said I

Write a sentence where someone makes a quotation from someone else.

I ask rhetorically "Is it!?"

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Vape Game

I made a game about vaping this is it


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Voltage rule

In series, the voltage is split between components.

In parallel, the voltage is the same everywhere.

Current rule 

The opposite, being that series is the same and parallel splits.

Current, a flow of electricity that results from the ordered directional movement of electrically charged particles.

Voltage, an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts.

Resistance, the degree to which a substance or device opposes the passage of an electric current, causing energy dissipation. By Ohm's law resistance (measured in ohms) is equal to the voltage divided by the current.

Thursday, September 30, 2021



Switch - Closes the circuit

Battery - Power

Resistor - Slows the voltage down

Light bulb - Takes voltage to heat up wire to make light from hotwire


Parallel circuit:
Different branches
Series circuit:
Same branch

Friday, September 24, 2021

The Cay review

The cay is a book written in 1969 by Theodore Taylor about a group of people trying to flee to America from the island of Willemstad during WW2 however they are found by a german u-boat and their ship begins to sink only two people escape an old 70 something man named timothy and a young 12-year-old boy named Phillip together that they find themselves in a small raft drifting somewhere in the Caribbean eventually they drift to a small cay filled with langosta and palm trees. 

Overall I would rate this as a fairly good book with some good twists as well as making you wonder if they ever will get off the cay but the book was rather short at only 122 pages.

The Cay by Theodore Taylor - Penguin Books New Zealand

Friday, September 17, 2021

Maori language week sign

Maori language week

 No Smoking - Prohibition Sign

480x600 Auahi Kore (No Smoking) Sign | Shop - Safety Genius

Do you know any safety signs that are bilingual?

Thursday, September 16, 2021



To dissect an eye 






1. Get eye

2. Cut off fat

3. Cut out the iris pupil and lens  

4. Drain the vitreous humorous

5. Turn the eye inside out 

6. Cut into 3 equal parts 


Sclera: white protective layer

cornea: sclera but at the front

Iris: color

pupil: lets in light

lens: light

retina: the inner layer 

tapetum lucidum: helps animals see in the dark

I enjoyed the dissection aside from the smell when we turned the eye inside out we saw the tapetum lucidum and had to move the retina to be able to fully see it

Friday, August 27, 2021


 A cay is a small island with a low bank.

It would be difficult for someone to live on a cay due to the low amount of food, animals and clean drinking water the small amount of food that you might find on a cay are small things like crabs, coconuts and other fruit and the reason for such little clean water is due to the cay being surrounded by seawater and the only way to get clean water is from the rain which on a small island in the carribian is a little amount roughly 200 mm a year compared to the average rain fall of New Zealand 600-1600

Pontoon Bridge

 A pontoon bridge is a type of portable bridge often build upon small canoes used to cross small rivers the bridges were originally used in ancient China simply to get large groups of people. Simple versions of the bridge are made by tying pieces of wood to some boats and are also reusable thanks to their mobility and ability to be taken apart 

Friday, August 6, 2021

 PPE is personal protective equipment 

You use it in the workshop 

The basic PPE for a workshop are safety glasses, earmuffs, overalls, shoes.

uvex x-fit ClearSafety glasses are used to protect your eyes and are a mandatory must have for the workshop 

3M PELTOR Premium Headband Earmuff X4A Light Greenearmuffs are used to protect your ears and should be used when operating machinery

Hard Yakka, Polycotton Zip Overall, N1221overalls are used to protect your clothes and

shoes are to protect your feet from hazards on the ground


 A schooner is a type of sailing ship often found with 4 or 6 sails it is most commonly left unpainted but when it is it will often be black the helm is located towards the back of the ship  


 U-boats are german submarines that were employed primarily in the first and second World Wars. 

The U-boats could be used as fleet weapons against enemy ships but were most effective as naval blockades, most U-boats could only travel 2 hours underwater, in the first World War there were 178      U-boats sunk

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Energy Transformation

When energy is passed from one type to another

Kinetic - Energy that is produced by motion 

Chemical potential - Energy that is transformed from fuel or food 

Heat - Temperature produces energy higher temperatures having more

Light - The wavelength of light

Gravitational - The force of gravity pushing down

Elastic potential - Energy stored due to a force changing an elastic object

Electrical - anything using power

Sound - wavelengths we can hear

The energy transformation was first from elastic and sound to kinetic when it started to fall it produced gravitational energy

Thursday, July 8, 2021


The work shown below is the work I have been doing in Hur2 which is about politics these are the policy my group decided on.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Do now week 9.2

 Topic: Learning about politics in school is important for high school students 

I agree

Learning about politics is important because people need to make informed decisions when they vote and if they want to be a politician it is very important 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Do now week 9.1

 Topic: Being able to be confident when public speaking is an important life skill

I disagree because

Being good at public speaking is only useful in certain situations like be a politician or someone on the news it depends on your job and what you do 



This semester in ICT we learn how to use the mechanics of Word, Excel and publisher for example using the functions in excel like auto sum. These are the tasks -Mr. Carter

The work was often far too repetitive and mostly just copying words out of a book just by the last two photos you can see how repetitive they were so I would have liked to see more variation on the tasks. 
I have to say that the hardest thing to use was most likely graphs as some time the year would add to the total. The only one of the 3 applications I would probably use would Excel.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Do now week 8.2

 Topic: Matariki should be a public holiday.


It's a free holiday Matariki is also an important holiday for many people and should be a public holiday so they can celebrate it.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Do now week 8.1

 Topic: English is the most important subject to learn in school.

I disagree.

English is not the most important the only time you might use it is when writing an email to your boss however there are some jobs that do rely on English more than other such as being a politician that would require more use but even then not much as most people will have others write speeches for them.

 States of matter





1. What is evaporation

Evaporation is the process of liquid becoming gas due to the speed at which the particles move increasing 

2. What is condensation

Condensation is the process of gas becoming liquid due to the particles moving slower often due to cooling 

3. What is distillation

The separation of a solution using evaporating and condensing 

Aim: To use distillation to separate out the dissolved sugar in coke, coke zero and diet coke

Hypothesis: The liquid will turn into a gas and will leave behind the sugar the one with the most sugar will likely be regular coke 


A solution of saltwater

Conical flask 

Heatproof mat 

A delivery tube and bung

Bunsen burner


Gauze mat 

Retort stand

Boss head and clamp 

Boiling tube


The coke zero had less residue than the regular coke and left the flask cleaner in general the residue was the sugar color and additives the water in the test tube was for the most part clear but the regular coke was slightly darker due to there being more color

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 1. What is chromatography? A technique for separating mixtures 

 2. What is a pigment? A coloured material that is insoluble in water


To separate the different pigments from ink using chromatography 


The pigments will separate 


Felt tip pen 

Filter paper strips 

Test tube

Measuring cylinder 



1. Draw a line across the filter paper in pencil, 5cm from the bottom 

2. Draw a coloured dot in the centre of the line 

3. Measure 10ml of water and place in the test tube 

4. Place the filter paper in the test tube and fold it over

5. Wait 5mins and observe the results  

Friday, June 11, 2021

Do now week 6.2

 Topic: Anyone who lives in Aotearoa New Zealand should be allowed to vote in the federal election.


Dumb children should not vote they do not have the knowledge to vote properly. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Do now week 6

 Topic: Your name is an important part of who you are.

Technically but really no.

Your name does not define who you are and is not important to your personality but it does help others remember you if we had no names it would be hard to tell you apart from others. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

Mother Teresa

1. When she was born, what name was she given? Her name was Agnes

2. At what age did she join the Sisters of Loreto? She was 18

3. Explain her calling from God. Her calling was to help the poor

4. a. Having won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, why did Mother Teresa turn down the prize winner’s banquet?  So that the money used for her could be used for the poor

b. What does this say about her as a person? She cares about the poor

5. Write down two adjectives to describe Mother Teresa.  She was Selfless and generous 

6. Explain the Missionaries of Charity. A group of people that help the poor with health care

7. When did she die? She died in 1998

8. How do you think she will be remembered? As a good person

9. What do you believe was Mother Teresa’s purpose in life? To help the poor

 Why was Maurice Wilkins an influential New Zealander?

He was the first person in the world to photograph a double-strand helix.

 Maurice Wilkins was a biology reshercher chemist but did you also know he was the first person to photograph a double-strand helix.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Do now week 5

 Topic: The principal is the most important person in the school

I agree 

The principal is the most important person because he hires the teachers and plans stuff like mufti days.

Shark infested custard

 What IP skills did you show/use today?


How did it help with the success of the team?

I helped pull the person grabbing the end hola hoop which prevented him from falling 

Who did you work with that when well today?

The end person

If you were to do it again, how would you do it differently?

more coordination with the front half

What level of helisons behaviour model were you working at in this activity and provide examples of this

level 3 help others

Marsh mellow tower

What IP skill did you show today and did you say nice things to your team?

The IP skill I used today was verbal communication and I said that my teammates had good ideas 

How did it help with the success/lack of success, of the activity?

It helped my teams succeed because I told them my ideas 

Who did you work with that went well today?

I worked with my teammates  

If you did it again, how would you do it differently?

I would do the strategy that  almost won us the game

What level of Helisons behaviour model did you work at in this activity? provide examples of this 

I worked at level 3 I told my team mates my ideas and I listened to thiers 

Concentration and dilution


Concentration - The amount of constitute divided by the total volume of the mixture

Dilute - A substance weakened by the addition of other substances 


To make a dilute series 


A potassium permanganate 

Six large test tubes 


A plastic transfer pipette 

A test tube rack 

10ml measuring cylinder 


The solutions with the least water will appear less and less colourful as more water is added


1. Place the six test tubes into the test tube rack. label the rack 1-6

2. Using the measuring cylinder fill 1 test tube with 10ml of water and the rest with 5ml 

3. Add a small crystal to the 10ml test tube 

4. Gently shake 10ml test tube until the crystal has been dissolved

5. Transfer 5ml out of the 10ml test tube then repeat until the last test tube

Wednesday, June 2, 2021



Filtration - The separation of different sized particles 

Can all mixtures be filtered - No only insoluble particles can


make a mixture and then separate it 


Copper sulphate

Sodium carbonate

stirring rod

200ml beaker


filter paper

Conical flask


I believe when we try to filter them they will separate due to the particles in 1 chemical having slightly bigger particles but there still may be some residue in the filtered product


1. Pour approximately 50mL of copper sulphate solution into a beaker.

2. Add the same volume of sodium carbonate solution. A reaction will happen, you should see a cloudy blue precipitate form. Called copper carbonate. 

3. Watch demo then fold filter paper to fit inside the funnel

4. Place the funnel with the filter paper inside of it, into the mouth of a conical flask. 

5. Stir the mixture in the beaker, then carefully pour it into the funnel. 

6. Observe what happened.


When the chemicals were first combined the resulting mixture turned blue and murky then when filtered it turned clear with a light amount of residue and a slightly blue tint

The reaction between the 2 made the copper sulphate into copper carbonate and vies versa with the sodium the copper carbonate turned into the blue sludge that did not filter

Monday, May 31, 2021

Game day

We were supposed to do something different but it's raining so we stayed inside to play games we play 4 games the ones my group played were operation, uno, connect 4, ping pong and water pong my IP skill for today was verble I showed this by encouraging the people I was playing with they also got very competitive with one another.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Do Now 3.2

Topic: Students have should have more mufti days.

I Agree.

The donations would raise more money for the school to do other things like school trips.

To reiterate, I Agree.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Do Now 3.1

 Topic: Cats are a better pet than dogs 

I agree with this statement because I have cats

Dogs need walking daily which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours and bark all night waking you up meanwhile all cats need are food and water witch only takes 5 minutes daily  

Friday, May 14, 2021

Week 2 Do Now

Topic: School uniforms should not be mandatory 

No, school uniforms should be mandatory it makes sure people know what there going to wear the next day and most of the money from the uniforms goes to the school to buy things.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Week 1 do now

Topic: school holidays should be only 1 week long.

School holidays should stay the same length as school already takes up over 2/3 of the year adding to that would leave us with only 2 holidays worth off time of including the Christmas holidays which ordinarily are (a long length).

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Hunt for the Wilderpeople final review

Hunt for the Wilderpeople was released on the 31st of March directed by Taika Waititi and starring Julian Dennison, Sam Neil, Rachel House, Rhys Darby, and Rima Te Wiata.

The movie is about Ricky a 13-year-old orphan placed into child welfare services and after repeatedly running away from the families who adopt him he is adopted by Bella and Hec shortly after celebrating Ricky's birthday Bella passes away leaving him and Hec alone and now child welfare services want to take him back so Ricky and Hec go on an adventure.

In my opinion, the movie has good use of lighting and some great acting.

I would recommend this to almost anyone although it does have some mild language I rate it an 8/10.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Clan flag

This is what I've been doing for my culture. I part Scottish so I decided to look for my clan, my clan is Stirling. The background is my clans tartan and the thing in the centre is the emblem the colour is everywhere because I was rushing. I chose this as my artifact because I couldn't find too much information about my clan.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Wilderpeople 3

This topic is the scene where they are hiding from the police team in a snowy forest. The scene starts off in the forest with Ricky and Hec walking through the forest intercut with police and hunters looking for them I think this showcases that the police will keep looking for them and not give up this makes the audience feel somewhat hopeless for Ricky and Hec knowing the police will not give up. The director included this to showcase that the police will not give up chasing them the setting is also used to show that even in poor weather they will not stop chasing. All of this is just my opinion and why I think the director chose to intercut the scenes.


Wilder people 2

This is the second paragraph for Hunt for the wilder people 

My topic is about the relationship between Hec and Ricky at the start of the movie Hec is timid and doesn't like Ricky. During the movie, the events will ordinarily lead to the relationship between Ricky and Hec to grow but some like the chase will cause it to suffer this makes the audience feel worried the director included this to move the plot along. In the beginning, there was more cold and dark lighting but as the movie progresses the lighting gets warmer. My opinion is that the relationship between Ricky and Hec improves throughout the movie.

What I learned was that Ricky and Hec's relationship improves over the course of the movie

This helped my writing because that's what my paragraph was about

My favourite part of this film study was watching the movie


Monday, March 22, 2021

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Hunt for the wilder people

The boar attack scene 

The scene starts with Ricky and Hec walking through the forest then we see a boar the 2 dogs chase after it into a trench cornering it. Traped the boar charges at one of the dogs making the moan and whimper Ricky and Hec start shooting at the boar. Hec soon realizes it's doing nothing so he takes out his knife and jumps down on to the boar to then get tossed off. The other dog runs off the boar following soon after to give Hec a moment of calm then the turns around to charge at him he reaches for the knife he dropped when being tossed off the boar. Ricky stands in between Hec and the boar taking a shot but missing as the boar gets closer Ricky gets sightly more frantic taking his next shot the boar falls to the ground mere cm away from his feet. 

The first example of chaos is shown when the dog is attacked by the boar.

The second example of chaos is Hec jumping on to the boar then getting tossed off.

The third example of chaos is the boar charging back at Hec and Ricky shooting it.

Heart dissection

Aim: Dissect a heart to learn about it. 

Hypothesis: I think I will see lots of blood. (Wrong there wasn't much blood) 


1. Make an incision on the right side to open up the left atrium.

2. Repeat 1 on the opposite side to open up the right atrium. 

3. pull back the flap to look inside.

Results: I found out hearts are slippery.

Conclusion: we looked in the heart that was pretty much it.

Discussion: I didn't see that much but the main thing I saw was the arteries and veins.

Evaluation: The dissection was fun aside from the smell it smelt like fish whenever I got to close to the heart.

International Childrens Day


Friday, February 26, 2021

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 This is a quiz about arthritis answers are in the comments

Monday, February 22, 2021
