
Thursday, September 16, 2021



To dissect an eye 






1. Get eye

2. Cut off fat

3. Cut out the iris pupil and lens  

4. Drain the vitreous humorous

5. Turn the eye inside out 

6. Cut into 3 equal parts 


Sclera: white protective layer

cornea: sclera but at the front

Iris: color

pupil: lets in light

lens: light

retina: the inner layer 

tapetum lucidum: helps animals see in the dark

I enjoyed the dissection aside from the smell when we turned the eye inside out we saw the tapetum lucidum and had to move the retina to be able to fully see it

1 comment:

  1. Hi Travis,
    You have covered all of the points here, well done! The tapetum lucidum was really cool wasn't it. I'm glad you enjoyed the dissection, the eye is really interesting isn't it!
    Next time it would be great if you could add more description to your statements, for example what did the tapetum lucidum look like?


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