
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Hunt for the wilder people

The boar attack scene 

The scene starts with Ricky and Hec walking through the forest then we see a boar the 2 dogs chase after it into a trench cornering it. Traped the boar charges at one of the dogs making the moan and whimper Ricky and Hec start shooting at the boar. Hec soon realizes it's doing nothing so he takes out his knife and jumps down on to the boar to then get tossed off. The other dog runs off the boar following soon after to give Hec a moment of calm then the turns around to charge at him he reaches for the knife he dropped when being tossed off the boar. Ricky stands in between Hec and the boar taking a shot but missing as the boar gets closer Ricky gets sightly more frantic taking his next shot the boar falls to the ground mere cm away from his feet. 

The first example of chaos is shown when the dog is attacked by the boar.

The second example of chaos is Hec jumping on to the boar then getting tossed off.

The third example of chaos is the boar charging back at Hec and Ricky shooting it.

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