
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Concentration and dilution


Concentration - The amount of constitute divided by the total volume of the mixture

Dilute - A substance weakened by the addition of other substances 


To make a dilute series 


A potassium permanganate 

Six large test tubes 


A plastic transfer pipette 

A test tube rack 

10ml measuring cylinder 


The solutions with the least water will appear less and less colourful as more water is added


1. Place the six test tubes into the test tube rack. label the rack 1-6

2. Using the measuring cylinder fill 1 test tube with 10ml of water and the rest with 5ml 

3. Add a small crystal to the 10ml test tube 

4. Gently shake 10ml test tube until the crystal has been dissolved

5. Transfer 5ml out of the 10ml test tube then repeat until the last test tube

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