
Friday, June 4, 2021

Mother Teresa

1. When she was born, what name was she given? Her name was Agnes

2. At what age did she join the Sisters of Loreto? She was 18

3. Explain her calling from God. Her calling was to help the poor

4. a. Having won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, why did Mother Teresa turn down the prize winner’s banquet?  So that the money used for her could be used for the poor

b. What does this say about her as a person? She cares about the poor

5. Write down two adjectives to describe Mother Teresa.  She was Selfless and generous 

6. Explain the Missionaries of Charity. A group of people that help the poor with health care

7. When did she die? She died in 1998

8. How do you think she will be remembered? As a good person

9. What do you believe was Mother Teresa’s purpose in life? To help the poor

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