
Monday, December 10, 2018

SLJ prep 5

Niagara falls Image result for how deep is niagara falls

Niagara falls is 52 meters deep                  

Image result for meter rulers

Niagara falls is right by the border to  America 

The big nickel

The big nickel is 9 meters tall

Image result for meter rulers

The big nickel had a birthday party in 2009 when it turned 45

Image result for birthday

In 2001 the big nickel was dismantled and cleaned and stuff 

Image result for bath bubbles

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Ecofrindly Chip Packing


For topic this term we have been doing technology but it's not the kind of technology your thinking of for some reason we are  creating an alternative to plastic and foil and stuff don't know why it's called technology so anyway our W.A.L.T is crate a ecofrindly packaging for our lunch.

I'm doing chips so my alternative is paper instead of foil.

Can you pleases give me feedback for my idea like what other weakness's would there be for a paper bag apart from water because I have a plan for that i'm going to get a water proof type of paper and use that and also tell me if you think it will be cheap for the company's.

Well that's it for now bey.

Armistice Day

Hi so this and last week W.A.L.T learn about Armistice day.
Armistice day is celebrated on 11/11 of the 11th hour
Armistice day is called Armistice day barbecues  that was the name of the peace treating
There were 18,000 deaths and 40,000 injuries
Here are some sites about Armistice day: [youtube] [newshub] [stuff]
by the way what are your thoughts about Armistice day tell me in the comments bey.
 Image result for poppy

Thursday, November 15, 2018

SLJ prep lesson 1

hi here are some facts about Canada the capital of Canada is Ottawa 

Ottawa's population is 934,240 (will change depending on the time your reading)

In Ottawa the tempter is around -8*c usually 

Image result for snowflake

Ottawa is in the south east part of canada

french and English are the most commonly spoken languages in Ottawa

Image result for french canadian

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Happy Halloween

(I know it's not Halloween anymore but I couldn't do it yesterday)

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Using A Number Line To Help Us Solve Questions

Hi welcome back this blog post is about Using A Number Line To Help Us Solve Questions but I decided to do something different rather then recording I made a drawing it should help you out if you have trouble with your number line please comment if you have any questions here it is.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Start Of Year Test's

Hi in this post I will be talking about some test at the beginning of the year every body took some test for year for year 4's 5's and 6's we all take 3 different test like the math's PAT test witch stands for Progressive Achievements Tests then theirs the reading competition test and last and but the hardest test is the STAR test Standardizes Testing And Reporting.

It's the hardest because I got 9 out of 10 on 3 sections of the and 18 out of 20 for the last one but I only got a stanine 7 oh wait I forgot to tell you about stanines they go from 1 to 9 1 is the lowest and 9 is the highest so I got pretty high scores here is a slide show about my sores if you want to know them.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Hi welcome back today this blog post is about the summer learning prep this is apart of the 2nd challenge I will have the first part up soon but for now you've got this a kiwi named curious kiwi and me are going to Canada together but he needs my help becalms he lost his book so I gave him this book

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

How To Figure Out How Old Your Pet Is

hi last week me and 2 of my friends did a slide show about cats and dogs and how old they are here they are and don't forget to comment bey.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

debating intro

Hi in this blog post i'm going to show you an intro for a debate about what body system is the most important this is what I have done so far.

Intro: Claim
“Sesamoid bones cover strangely shaped places. Your kneecap and the ball of your foot are two examples of this type of bone” I have told you this fact because I think that the most critical body system is the skeletal system.

It would be really helpful if you could give me some feed back like if you have an even more interesting fact or better word for critical please tell me by leaving a comment bey.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

fractions and percentages are the same

Hi welcome back to my blog today we will be talking about percentages and fractions and how to use them for shopping like if your at the supermarket and you see carrots with 25% off this video will teach you how to work those out here it is hope you enjoy bey.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Body System Endocrine Circulatory Skeletal System

Hi welcome back for the past 2 weeks we have been learning about the body I have been learning about the Endocrine system witch makes chemicals the Circulatory system like the heart and the Skeletal system well I hope you enjoy bey.

Monday, August 6, 2018


Hi last week we were doing fractions but I never posted it last week but I don't remember why any way here it is hope you enjoy.

3 Little Pigs Theories

Hi welcome back again this post is about the 3 little pigs if you haven't read the post about the 3 little pigs and the true story please do not continue.

So now that you have read the 3 little pigs and the true story I have some theories to share with you like about how the third little pig was so calm what if the same sort of thing happened to the third little pig when he was younger what if he was attack by a wolf in a different brick house and the same thing happened wolf tried to trick him and tried to climb down the chimney and that's why he's so calm  the whole time but that's just a theory if you have any theories fell free to write your own comment about it see ya.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Seance Of Place

Hi and welcome back to my blog! about writing and so here it is.

One morning in the holidays at my house my sister woke me up and keeped asking me if I wanted to go to the movies to go have some fun.

but this is just a part of it it's the part of it where we have to have a scenes of place and stuff like that well that's it for now see ya.

The 3 Little Pigs And The True Story

Hi welcome back to my blog for the past 2 weeks we have been learning about protagonist and antagonist using the 3 little pigs and the true story of the 3 little pigs so a protagonist is the main character in a book and a antagonist is the villain in a book they hate the protagonist 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I'm a Detective

Hi everybody for past I believe 1 weeks in reading I have been trying to solve a crime the crime of the muddy foot print my teacher took a photo of a muddy foot print and then we had to solve the crime she also took photos of suspects shoes and we had to compere the shoe print to the shoes and we had a match but we had to be positive if the polices didn't do proper investigation a lot of people who didn't do any crimes would get arrested so happened next was there were 4 markers and a wet bit of paper with some black red and blue on it and what we had to do with the markers was draw a line on a bit of paper and attached it to a pen and put it above a cup of water so the paper was in the water we had to leave them for a minute and see if one of them looked like the first bit of paper my one wasn't the right one in the end we found out Chris did it see ya hope you enjoyed.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Hi for the past  4 weeks I have been in a reading group a
bout DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) DNA is what makes you you if you altered your DNA you could have a tail 3 eyes 4 mouths 5 ears 6 noses 7 hands 8 feet and 9 golden heads so it's a good thing that we have the DNA we have there are a lot of interesting facts about finger prints I have learned  like if you tried to wright out your DNA in genetic code very fast for 8 hours a day it would take 50 years! and the police use finger to solve crimes to they put a type of powder at the surface of the crime scene and then use a special brush and the powder sticks to sweat and oil that is left behind when someone touches a surface then polices use a see threw tape that lifts the fingerprint and now on to the topic of the types of finger prints there are the most common  one's are arch's , loop's and whorl's but some of the more rarer ones are double loop and mixed but I only have loops and arch's like this 

or this


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Standard Written Form Addition

hi welcome to my standard written form addition video in this video I will be showing you something called Standard Written Form it can be used for times,division and minus  but I will be showing you addition Standard Written Form is really math easy and hard math but in a different way ll'l just let you watch it instead hope you enjoy.

Friday, April 6, 2018

How To Do Near Doubles

Hi welcome back to my blog it's been a while since my last post anyway in this post I will be talking about near doubles near double are when to numbers are very close together and you just have to chance them a bit well I hope you enjoy bey.

Friday, March 16, 2018


Hello welcome one and all to my blog post about my biathlon experience at first I was really excited for the biathlon but by the end of it I was as pale as a ghost because we had to start at one of the coroners of the field and then we had to run to our bikes and scooters or just keep ruining if we didn't have one but luckily I brought my bike.  After we got our bikes and scooters we would have to go to the court where we would go up and down it 3 times and if you were on a bike or scooter you would have to repeat it 4 times but if you were running you only had to do it 2 times. After you did it 4 times you would just put your bike or scooter back and then you would have to run to laps of the field and after I finished I got a bit sunburned on my cheeks but i'm not sure what place I came well that's it for now bye. (pictures may came in the future)

Friday, March 9, 2018

Learning Goals 2.0

Hi in today's post I will be talking about my learning goals like what I need to do in reading' writing' maths and my personal goal all in the slide below. On  Tuesday at 2:00 my mum came to my class  for my goal setting interview and I think it went well and so that's the end of my goal setting interview story well see ya in the next post bye but before that I have to explain why i'm posting this its so that on any future post you can give me feed back on how i'm doing.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

What To Do When Using Your Chromebook

Hi this week we had to create a DLO about things to remember when using your Chromebooks so this  is my one I hope you enjoy

Friday, February 9, 2018

First Bird Week Back At School

This week was my first week back at school  but it wasn't a full week only half cause we started on Wednesday instead of Monday and now it's time for a song on the 1st day of school-mas my true love gave to me my first day back at school on 2nd day of school-mas my true love gave to me nothing on the 3rd day of school-mas my true love gave to me a magician named Elgregoe with his lovely assistant Ben he brought all kinds of things with him like his pet Dinosaur and a Jaxson puppet, a giant wand 
and for the big fanly a floating man first the Dinosaur came out and he loved to make jokes. 

then he picked someone from the audience he picked a boy named Jaxson he put a mask on him and used a button to open 
the mouth of the mask and made him talk then he brought another person from the audience but i don't know
her name but he gave her a magic wand and told her to say some magic words but when it din't do anything 
he told his assistant Ben to get a bigger wand from the back of the stage and it keeped getting bigger until it 
got so big that the girl couldn't even hold it so Ben had to help and that's the end of my Elgregoe experience 
and I hoped you enjoyed my post.