
Monday, August 6, 2018

3 Little Pigs Theories

Hi welcome back again this post is about the 3 little pigs if you haven't read the post about the 3 little pigs and the true story please do not continue.

So now that you have read the 3 little pigs and the true story I have some theories to share with you like about how the third little pig was so calm what if the same sort of thing happened to the third little pig when he was younger what if he was attack by a wolf in a different brick house and the same thing happened wolf tried to trick him and tried to climb down the chimney and that's why he's so calm  the whole time but that's just a theory if you have any theories fell free to write your own comment about it see ya.


  1. Hi Travis,

    I enjoyed reading your blog post about your theories of the three little pigs.Did you think about If the third little pig was late to the apple are the fear what would've happened ?I want to know why you did not in clued the other storys like jack and the been stork.Good job bye.

    1. Hi David thank you for commenting on my blog if the pig was late to the apple trees he probably would have been eaten when the wolf saw him and task was to write about the 3 little pig theories and no other fairy tales.

  2. Hi Travis I liked the way you explain the theories
    Next time, you could add more theories.
    This reminded me of when i read the 3 little pigs


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