
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

fractions and percentages are the same

Hi welcome back to my blog today we will be talking about percentages and fractions and how to use them for shopping like if your at the supermarket and you see carrots with 25% off this video will teach you how to work those out here it is hope you enjoy bey.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Travis. Good blog post on working out discounts. I found it handy that you explained that percentages and fractions are the same thing. I also really liked that you realised you had a mistake & fixed it up on your post. This made me realise that it's ok to make mistakes and that we can still find the correct answer. There is a top I really like but it costs $99.00 which is just too expensive, but they have a 30% off deal on at the moment. Can you tell me how much it will be if I get it while they have the discount please? Thank you


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