
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Start Of Year Test's

Hi in this post I will be talking about some test at the beginning of the year every body took some test for year for year 4's 5's and 6's we all take 3 different test like the math's PAT test witch stands for Progressive Achievements Tests then theirs the reading competition test and last and but the hardest test is the STAR test Standardizes Testing And Reporting.

It's the hardest because I got 9 out of 10 on 3 sections of the and 18 out of 20 for the last one but I only got a stanine 7 oh wait I forgot to tell you about stanines they go from 1 to 9 1 is the lowest and 9 is the highest so I got pretty high scores here is a slide show about my sores if you want to know them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Travis,
    I like your blog post about your results of PAT test and STAR test. Next time can you re-read your first paragraph because some of it did not make scene. Anyway I also liked that you had added your slide show. So they can see your other result from other tests. I have a question for you "What Stanine are you aiming for this time?" Also "What is challenging in the test." BYE!


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