
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

SLJ prep 2

For this activity, let’s imagine that Donald Trump called you up and asked for your opinion on this controversial issue.
On your blog, please tell us what you think about his plan to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Why do you think so?
The current President of the United States of America (U.S.A.) is a man named Donald Trump. He was elected President in 2016. At the time, he promised the American people that he would build a wall between the U.S.A. and Mexico - the country immediately south of the United States. He made this promise because he wanted to stop people from crossing the American-Mexican border.
Earlier this year, a migrant caravan (people moving in a large group) came through South and Central America on its way to the Mexican-American border. The people in the caravan were heading to America to find jobs and build a better life for themselves and their families. You can learn more about them in this video.
Donald Trump’s plan to build the wall is very controversial (some people strongly agree with his idea and others strongly disagree). The current President of the United States of America (U.S.A.) is a man named Donald Trump. He was elected President in 2016. At the time, he promised the American people that he would build a wall between the U.S.A. and Mexico - the country immediately south of the United States. He made this promise because he wanted to stop people from crossing the American-Mexican border.
Earlier this year, a migrant caravan (people moving in a large group) came through South and Central America on its way to the Mexican-American border. The people in the caravan were heading to America to find jobs and build a better life for themselves and their families. You can learn more about them in this video.
Donald Trump’s plan to build the wall is very controversial (some people strongly agree with his idea and others strongly disagree).
The wall would be a bad idea not only would it not keep people out but it's not physically possible the wall would have to be over 3000 km (2000 miles) and to pay for that it would cost between 15 to 25 billion (US) dollars

Monday, December 2, 2019

SLJ prep 1

  1. The new Impossible burger has 50 less calories than the original Impossible Burger.
  2. The new Impossible burger has 30 % less of the daily value of saturated fat than the original Impossible Burger.
  3. The new Impossible burger has 9 % less of the daily value of sodium than the original Impossible Burger.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Fantasy Modelling Book

Here is some writing I did

Modelling / Learning Focus / Success Criteria

Choose a picture that inspires you.
  1. Write a simple sentence that describes something about the picture.
  2. Add adjectives to the simple sentence, to add more detail.
  3. Add more language features like similes or metaphors to enhance the sentence.
  4. Use topic words directly related to the picture.
  5. Use emotive language to create/clarify mood.
Paint a clear picture in the mind of my readers and give the reader detailed and specific information.

1.One more challenge.
2.One more simple challenge.
3.One more simple challenge until I could leave this world back to my own.
4.One more simple challenge thanks to my sword until I could leave this world back to my own.
5. One more simple challenge thanks to my sword until I could leave this world back to my own once I slay this dragon with its scales.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hurumanu - Climate Change and Greenhouse gases

Hurumanu - Climate Change and Greenhouse gases


The Greenhouse Effect experiment


  1. 2 plastic bottles 
  2.  3 heat lamps
  3.  2 thermostatic 
  4.  2 corks
  5. baking soda


  1.  cut off cap parts of plastic botels to fit the corks
  2. put corks in 
  3. shove thermostat through corks  
  4. put water in bottles 
  5. put baking soda in 1
  6. turn on heat lamps pointing at bottles
  7. measure heat ever 5 mins

Findings: The Greenhouse Effect Data 

Bottle 1: Water 
Bottle 2: CO2 Gas

The regular clean air will heat up slower because there is no gas traping in the heat think of the heat as water and the air like a sponge the regular air is a normal sponge soaking in the heat but the gas is a more absorbent powerful sponge is it soaks up more of the heat. 

Fossil Fuels

FACTORIES: Making clothes, cars, electronics, and processed foods creates a lot of pollution. When materials like plastic, cardboard, metal, and cement are made, harmful gases are released into the air and water.Image result for FACTORIES:

COWS: Cows create a greenhouse gas called methane when they burp and fart. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. With about 1.5 billion cows around the world, methane is having a big effect on climate change.
Image result for COWS

TRANSPORTATION: Most cars need gas or diesel to work. These come from oil, which is a fossil fuel. The carbon dioxide in oil goes into the atmosphere when the car is running.Image result for TRANSPORTATION

LANDFILL: Our landfills are growing and using up more healthy land. When waste breaks down in landfills, greenhouse gases are created, including methane and carbon dioxide. These gases contribute to climate change.Image result for LANDFILL

FOOD: We need food to survive, but it creates a lot of pollution. Transporting food by ships, planes, trains, and trucks add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Clearing the land for farms and farming practices also create greenhouse gases.
Image result for FOOD
ELECTRICITY: Electricity is a form of energy used to power almost everything in our homes. Electricity can come from renewable sources (water, wind, sun) and non-renewable sources like fossil fuels (oil, and gas). Fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere.
Image result for ELECTRICITY

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

lab Intro

Hurumanu - Science Laboratory introduction

Aim: To learn about the expected behaviour in a science laboratory.

Our R9 Class Treaty
  1.    bags under your desk 
  2.    no food and drink
  3.   no running
  4.   don't touch experiments
  5.  report any breakage or spills
  6.   do not taste or sniff anything
Safety in a laboratory.

teacher   shoes   practical  teacher laboratory   ask  sniff teacher  breakages 
  1.   Follow the instructions given to you by the teacher.
  2.   You must not enter the laboratory without your shoes.
  3.   Report all accidents to your teacher.
  4.   You must never eat or drink in a lab.
  5.   shoes must be worn at all times.
  6.   If you spill something you should tell your teacher immediately.
  7.  You should wash your hands after every activity.
  8. You should know what you are doing. If in doubt ask your teacher.
  9. Never taste or smell chemicals.
In your group, discuss how the following scenarios could be dangerous.
  1. Not putting your bag under your desk.  someone can trip
  2. Running around in the laboratory. someone can trip
  3. Not wearing shoes in a laboratory. you can stub your tow
  4. Shaking a test tube with your thumb over its mouth? chemicals could harm your skin
How do we work in this laboratory?
  1. Beginning and End of class: Lining up, Entry, Seating, 
  2. Equipment tray: equipment list and details.
  • Test tube - This is used for experiments using liquids. They have a bung that can be placed in the top. Test tubes sit in a test tube rack.Image result for test tubeConical Flask - This is used for experiments with liquid up to 150 ml. The flask has a rubber bung for the top and the glass is heatproof.Image result for Conical Flask
  • Glass Stirring rod - This is a 20cm glass rod used to stir and mix any liquids together.Image result for Glass Stirring rod
  • Test tube tongs - These are used to hold a hot test tube after an experiment.
  • Image result for Test tube tongsSpatula - This is for holding very small amounts of chemical powders.
  • Image result for Spatula
  • Funnel - used to channel liquids into a smaller container.Image result for Funnel
  • Measuring Cylinder - This is used to measure liquids for experiments. The liquids will be poured into a beaker or test tube once measured out.Image result for Measuring Cylinder

Friday, September 13, 2019

Hurumanu: The Water Cycle

Hurumanu: The Water Cycle



Related image

Scientific words:

  • Evaporation. When water is heated by radiant energy it turns into water vapor.
  • Transpiration. Evaporation from plants.
  • Condensation. When water vapor cools, molecules join together and form clouds.
  • Precipitation. When clouds get heavy the waters falls as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
  • Acidification: the action or process of making or becoming acidic.


Image result for the water cycle


Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change


  1. plastic bag
  2.  water
  3. litmus paper 
  4. baking soda


Bag 1
  1. Get a ziplock bag and a vivid pen
  2. Draw the water cycle (label the parts of the water cycle)
  3. Carefully pour 1 cup of cold water
  4. Carefully drop 2 drops of blue food colouring
  5. Stick the ziplock bag in a window where it receives sunlight.

Bag 2
  1. Get a ziplock bag and a vivid pen
  2. Draw the water cycle
  3. Carefully pour 1 cup of cold water
  4. Carefully drop 2 drops of blue food colouring
  5. Carefully put 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  6. Stick the ziplock bag in a window where it receives sunlight

Two Images:


The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2

Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
2 = small 
3 = large 

Other comments:


what I learned is new words evaporation condensation and transpiration












    Monday, September 2, 2019

     Hi, guys today we were talking about self-management. In this topic, We talked about how we can manage our learning. She told us to get into a group of two and make a DLO. Something I did that shows that I am a self-manager is I was organized with all my things at the right time. What can I do to be a better self-manager? I can sit alone. Here is our DLO.

    Friday, August 23, 2019

    Bone Tiki Chapters 1-3

    In my reading group, we've been reading The Bone Tiki it's a bit boring like in the introduction to the main character the book goes into too much detail about a necklace he made.

    here is my task for this week.

    that's it, for now, there will be an update next week.

    Tuesday, August 6, 2019

    Find Fractions Of A Set Using Multiplication And Division

    here is my slide show about finding fractions of a set using multiplication and division hope you can understand it.

    link to slide

    Wednesday, June 19, 2019

    In CIP we made menus and then got food and made food here is the recipe.

    Equipment Plates, Strainer, Pan, Spoons, Ovens, Forks.


    countdown pasta spaghetti X2 2.00$$2

    pasta sauce$1.50 per 500g

    juice per 1L 1.80 $  

    Diced tomato 70c  per 400g,

    Hot sauce 2.00$

    Beans 1.80$ 400g,

    One onion=30c

    Total =$10.20

    1. Combine, onion tomatoes. Cook and stir until the vegetables are tender. Drain grease.
    2. Stir diced tomatoes, tomato sauce and tomato paste into the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer spaghetti sauce for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
    3. Cook the pasta  until soft
    4. Put the pasta in with the sauce.
    5. Add beans and Hot sauce
    6. Drane it and get ready to serve.
    Image result for spaghetti pastaRelated image
    To complete this challenge, we had to complete the following:

    TEAM - Make a team of 6 people … no more, no less

    BUDGET - You have $12 to spend (you will need to bring $2 each)

    QUANTITIES - You must plan your meal for 6 people

    HEALTHY - Your meal must be healthy & nutritious

    MENU IDEAS - Find some recipes and visit the Countdown website for food costs.

    RECIPE & PLAN - Use your instructional/procedural writing skills to write clear instructions for your team to follow when you are preparing your meal. You will need to make sure you have the correct quantities, include all ingredients and equipment you will require e.g. large pot for cooking pasta, chopping knife, can opener etc.

    credit to my group member and friend kush here is his post-


    How it tasted 
    Fine, it was a little spicy even though I skipped on the sauces. 

    Overall experience 
    Bad the table my group was sitting at didn't have enough room for everyone so I had to sit at another table.

    Trip + how shopping went
    not good my half my group was screaming for pickles but we didn't have enough money.

    How you got on with the group 
    Bad the screaming with the pickles was bad and everyone was grabbing and touching the ingredients when they didn't need to.

    Monday, June 17, 2019

    More PE

    What makes a good team player? what skills and attributes do you need to display/use?
    talking to other teammates.

    What is your role within your team? what does your role involve?
    Water boy getting water and cheering.

    How could you be a better team player? list 3 things to work on and how you can be successful at this?
    Communicating by talking.
    Getting the ball by taking the ball.
    Passing the ball by throwing the ball at people.

    Tuesday, June 11, 2019

    Hurumanu - Balloon Chemistry

    Hurumanu - Balloon Chemistry

    Aim: To see which chemical 
    mix creates the most gas.

    Hypothesis: (What do I think will happen) 
    I think the salt and soda will make more bubbles but the other one will make more gas.

    1.  2 bottles
    2.  2 ballons
    3.  3t baking soda
    4.  1/2 cup of vinegar
    5.  3t salt
    6.  1/2 cup soda
    1.  put vinegar into the bottle
    2.  fill a balloon with baking soda 
    3.  put the balloon over the top and shake it to get the baking soda out 
    4. then watch as the balloon fills up 
    5. repeat steps 1 through 4 but with salt and soda
    My images:


    Balloon 1
    ( 3 tsp baking soda, ½ cup vinegar)
    Balloon 2
    ( 3 tsp salt, ½ cup soda)

    Balloon Size (cm)
    (small, medium, large)
