
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fossil Fuels

FACTORIES: Making clothes, cars, electronics, and processed foods creates a lot of pollution. When materials like plastic, cardboard, metal, and cement are made, harmful gases are released into the air and water.Image result for FACTORIES:

COWS: Cows create a greenhouse gas called methane when they burp and fart. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. With about 1.5 billion cows around the world, methane is having a big effect on climate change.
Image result for COWS

TRANSPORTATION: Most cars need gas or diesel to work. These come from oil, which is a fossil fuel. The carbon dioxide in oil goes into the atmosphere when the car is running.Image result for TRANSPORTATION

LANDFILL: Our landfills are growing and using up more healthy land. When waste breaks down in landfills, greenhouse gases are created, including methane and carbon dioxide. These gases contribute to climate change.Image result for LANDFILL

FOOD: We need food to survive, but it creates a lot of pollution. Transporting food by ships, planes, trains, and trucks add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Clearing the land for farms and farming practices also create greenhouse gases.
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ELECTRICITY: Electricity is a form of energy used to power almost everything in our homes. Electricity can come from renewable sources (water, wind, sun) and non-renewable sources like fossil fuels (oil, and gas). Fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere.
Image result for ELECTRICITY

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