Yesterday we did athletics but I was only around to do sprints because of my hey fever and when I did it I couldn't even see so I will be talking about my practices. I missed the first day of practice but on the 2nd day we did long jump which I'm terrible at discus which I'm OK at and sock put witch I'm terrible at. On the final practices day we were having a rest to start off. Then we did high jump but I started from the wrong side so I switched and was way beater. Then more shock put until it was home time. The next day was normal until everyone did sprints we had to sit on the grass until it was the year 5 boys turn. But buy the time I started ruining my hey fever was acting up and I came in last place.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Friday, November 24, 2017
Golden Tigers
In this post I will be writing about what I have been doing for the past 2 weeks and why golden tigers are so rare and the first golden tiger ever born than just normal facts about tigers thank you for reading.
Golden tigers are the 2nd rarest tigers in the world next to blue tigers or Maltese tigers but golden tigers are not a separate species they are just a subspecies of a regular bagel tiger and there are only an odd 30 golden tigers in captivity as of 2013. The reason they are so rare is because of a recessive gene (DNA both parents have that the child inherits from both parents). My hipofisis is that the golden tiger will no longer be
endangered one day.
The first golden tiger cub ever born in captivity was in 1983 at Dr. Josip Marcan’s Adriatic animal attractions in Deland Florida. It’s parents were Bengal tigers which both had the gene for golden tigers and the white tiger here is a Wikipedia to show you all about Bengal tigers. Most golden tigers are bred in captivity by accident when breeding Bengal tigers and white Bengal tigers.
Golden tiger have the same attributes as a regular tiger so now I will start listing some facts about tigers you may not have known and some may know.
Baby tigers are called cubs they are usually born in twins and they weigh about 4 pounds or 1.81437 kg's at birth. Cubs don’t ever see their fathers because male and female tigers only come together to mate and the mothers are left to take care of the cubs. Cubs drink their mother's milk for 3 or 4 months before they are ready to eat meat.
#1 Tigers love pumpkins that’s right tigers love pumpkins they play with it like a ball of yarn they must think it is one here’s a video to show you Tigers love pumpkins
#2 Tigers like swimming most cats hate swimming but tigers like it or can at least deal with it lions, leopards, and stuff like that don’t like water but they can still swim just not well.
#3 Tigers can kill prey up to 5 times it’s own size like young elephants and young rhinos but most of the time they just kill deer and pig.
#4 Tigers can live in any environment such as swamps, tropical forests, evergreen forests, woodlands, grasslands, savannas, and mountains.
#5 Tigers have a length up to 3.3 meters or 11 feet and weighing up to 300 kilograms or 660 pounds.
#6 Tigers mark their territory by scratching trees and rubbing their face on the them to leave their scent behind.
#7 It is rare to see tigers in hunting packs of even 2 but this video proves that it’s not so rare Tigers vs drone: Felines go wild chasing flying prey.
#8 tigers have night vision 6 times better than humans
#9 Tigris is Greek for arrow so in Greek tigers are called arrow because tigers are great hunters.
Thank you for reading what I have been doing for the past 2 weeks I had to do a lot of research to get all this information and it was pretty hard because there isn't much of a difference from regular tigers apart from the history of golden tigers but conclusion I think golden tigers will no longer be endangered one day.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Understanding Lines Of Reflection DLO
Hi this week we have been learning lines of reflection it isn't that hard and I'm betting that after watching this you will understand it to bye and thanks for watching.
How To play Chinese checkers
Hi this week we had to make instructions for bored games donated by the Warehouse me and my friend Hans (check his blog out chose Chinese checkers so we read the instructions which were pretty easy the name made it sound boring but I still had fun anyway here are the instructions.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Lines Of Symmetry
Hi this week I made 2 DLO's this is my 2nd the first one is about counting faces edges and corners anyway bye and thanks for watching.
The Finale Battle With The Water At Canterbury Swim School
Today is my last day at Canterbury Swim School I had a lot of fun swimming but today is the last day sadly. I didn't manage to complete my goal of learning butterfly but yesterday I jumped of the diving bored 3 times even though I have fear of heights. Oh I have to go swim see you in sec....
I'm back from swimming it was lot's of fun first we got changed and jumped in the pool but we didn't get any googles because we were doing survival training. Like if we get stranded or something like that anyway we did a something really fun near the end of our session. One person had a pool noodle and the other was in the water and the goal was to pull the other person out. I had a lot of fun puling my partner out here is a photo of what we were doing.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Counting Faces Edges And Corners
Hi this week I will be posting 2 math DLO's about counting faces edges and corners and the other is about lines symmetry and this is one is the 1st one bye and for watching.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
First Day Of Canterbury Swim School
Today is the first day of Term 4 and Canterbury Swim School first we got changed into our togs at school and put our uniform over top. We had lunch until the bus came once we were there we took off our shoes and head to the changing rooms. We took off our uniforms then we meet our instructor we just did the basics like strokes with a board and kicking with a broad for half an hour but my goal is to learn butterfly. Then got out and change back into our uniforms and got back on the bus and went back to school and had a normal day thanks for reading and here is a really quick video of me swimming.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Why Possums Are a Problem In NZ
Hi this week in reading we had to find out why possums are a problem in NZ by reading 2 books one was called Too many possums and the other was The possum problem our W.A.L.T. why possums are a problem in NZ was here are some reasons why and some facts thanks for reading.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Trick To Percentages
Hi this week we had to make a DLO about dividing percentages our WALT was finding percentages thanks for watching
Friday, September 22, 2017
Partly Cloudy
Hi this week we had to make a story about a video here is a link thank you for reading
It was a day like any other there was a beautiful pacific ocean sunset. The sky was orange and yellow. There were birds and clouds as fluffy as a cat put through a dryer.
I was delivering babies to windows puppies to kennels and other beasts to where they belong. Where do these beast come from you may be wondering? Well they come from the clouds the clouds grab a bit of themselves’ mould it into a beasts and shock it with lighting’ as blue as the sea.
Sometimes they would give them a toy like a ball to determine their future. Like if they get a football they will love football or a soccer ball they will love soccer. Once there wrapped in blankets it’s our job as storks to deliver them to their homes. All the have so much fun laughing and joking but there was one cloud below all the others he was sad that couldn't be as good as the other clouds at making beast’s. When he tried to make one he would make a monster like crocodiles, porcupines, and rams. The pour stalk that had to deliver them all he was almost dead he was missing feathers and he was sleep deprived. When ever he delivered a monster he would get hit and bit. Then one day he looked at the other clouds and stalks and wished he could deliver’ puppies and kittens but then he just carried on with his deliveries. When he came back the cloud had made a sheep shaped cloud the stalk when to hold it but when’ the cloud zapped it and it turned it into a porcupine. He tossed it from hand to hand as they got more and more prickly then the cloud put it into a blanket but the porcupine's spikes were going through the blanket. Then when he came back he had spikes in his head the cloud pulled the spikes out and some feathers come off the cloud takes them off and put them back on his head. Then he shows him a shark shaped cloud the stalk was so scared he flew away to the other clouds and got a new cloud to deliver for. Then the cloud got so mad he started making lightning and thunder then he looked how happy he was and started to cry and rain. But then he sore a feather looked over and it was the stalk with what the other cloud had made for him it was football gare. He put it on and asked for a delivery so the cloud made an electric eel and they were friends again.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Hi today I will show you that there is no way the Moai can walk. I will explain some of the words right now Rapa Nui means Easter island and the Moai are statues that you will see in the background.
Thank you for watching and hope you enjoy.
Thank you for watching and hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Solve Multiplication Problems By Partitioning
Hi in this video I will show you how to solve multiplication problems by partitioning. Partitioning is pretty easy if the question has a 10 it will be much more easier. Thanks for watching and hope you enjoy.
Double And Halve Multiplication Problems
Hi in this video I will show you how to double and halve multiplication problems. Doubleling and halving is exactly what it sounds like first you double and then halve or the other way round. It can turn the problems into much easier to do like in this video. Thanks for waking and hope you enjoy.
Division With Remainders
Hi in this video I will show you how to use division with remainders. I will give you a quick demonstration 32 / 3 =30r2 because if you can not make room for it then it would make it r2. Thanks for watching and hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Moai Heads
For the last few weeks we have bean working on mystery's like Bigfoot Atlantis or the bemired triangle I did the Moai heads on eaters island not much is known about them or who built them but it is believed that the old islander built them a long time ago but nobody knows for shore but anyways we were doing wanted posters here is my one 
The Moai heads are very interesting and I had a lot of fun doing the rescearch
The Moai heads are very interesting and I had a lot of fun doing the rescearch
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Cultural Show
This term we have been looking at different cultures For the last 3 weeks we have been learning a traditional cultural dance. I learnt the Sasa. I was pretty tired when I was doing the Sasa, so timing isn't very good but I hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
The Great Playground
W.A.L.T Write an information report that informs the audience.
Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
I use an opening statement that explains the subject of the report.
The opening statement is followed by sentences that describe the event; what you saw, what you did, how you felt, what you learnt.
Each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of the topic; travelling, the beach, the lagoon walk, playground.
A general statement about the topic usually rounds off the report.
The great playground
On Friday 2 weeks ago we went to Spencer park on the bus. I was sleeping cause I had a headache and for the first time ever the bus was quiet.
First we went to the park and played. There was a tire swing or something because it had tires that you sit on top of and then it spins around. There was also a climbing tower. It was pretty easy to climb. I played on a climbing tower one time with my sister and it was a lot more challenging. There were also 2 flying foxes.
I didn’t get go on the flying foxes because the lines were too long. After that we went to the lagoon. We went up to a lookout point to look at the lagoon because the grass was in the way. We saw lots of white spider nests and we were told that they were to protect the spiders for winter.
I tried to fall asleep on the bus on the way back, but it was too noisy. The playground at Spencer park is really and I’m glad that I learnt about spiders going into nests for the winter.
Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
I use an opening statement that explains the subject of the report.
The opening statement is followed by sentences that describe the event; what you saw, what you did, how you felt, what you learnt.
Each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of the topic; travelling, the beach, the lagoon walk, playground.
A general statement about the topic usually rounds off the report.
The great playground
On Friday 2 weeks ago we went to Spencer park on the bus. I was sleeping cause I had a headache and for the first time ever the bus was quiet.
First we went to the park and played. There was a tire swing or something because it had tires that you sit on top of and then it spins around. There was also a climbing tower. It was pretty easy to climb. I played on a climbing tower one time with my sister and it was a lot more challenging. There were also 2 flying foxes.
I didn’t get go on the flying foxes because the lines were too long. After that we went to the lagoon. We went up to a lookout point to look at the lagoon because the grass was in the way. We saw lots of white spider nests and we were told that they were to protect the spiders for winter.
I tried to fall asleep on the bus on the way back, but it was too noisy. The playground at Spencer park is really and I’m glad that I learnt about spiders going into nests for the winter.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Turning Subtraction into Addition Problems
This is my 3rd math DLO. I didn't managed to get the 1st and 2nd ones up though. But this video will teach you how to turn a subtraction problems into a addition problem. I think the number line helped me the most.
Friday, March 17, 2017
Maori games
W.A.L.T find out about other games from specifically Maori. This is my 1st reading DLO (digital learning object) and it is about Maori games I made 3 slides to show case 3 Maori games which are spinning tops, kites and rope swing. I got all my info from
Friday, March 3, 2017
Cyber Smarts DLO
On Thursday we went to John Parsons cyber smart show it was pretty boring but almost everyone knew all of his questions and he told us never to give away personal info to strangers.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga
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