
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Moai Heads

For the last few weeks we have bean working on  mystery's like Bigfoot Atlantis or the bemired  triangle  I did the Moai heads on eaters island not much is known about them or who built them but it is believed that the old islander built them a long time ago but nobody knows for shore but anyways we were doing wanted posters here is my one
The Moai heads are very interesting and I had a lot of fun doing the rescearch


  1. Hi Travis I really like your wanted poster. I like how your words are easy to see and you shod but some mo color in your wanted post. Next time you shod more money instead of five dollars

  2. awesome moai wanted poster Travis, I like how it is very easy to read. Next time you do a wanted poster I think you should make sure that you can see the reward because I can't see it properly.

    1. Thanks for the feedback but I don't think I can change it.


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