
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

In CIP we made menus and then got food and made food here is the recipe.

Equipment Plates, Strainer, Pan, Spoons, Ovens, Forks.


countdown pasta spaghetti X2 2.00$$2

pasta sauce$1.50 per 500g

juice per 1L 1.80 $  

Diced tomato 70c  per 400g,

Hot sauce 2.00$

Beans 1.80$ 400g,

One onion=30c

Total =$10.20

  1. Combine, onion tomatoes. Cook and stir until the vegetables are tender. Drain grease.
  2. Stir diced tomatoes, tomato sauce and tomato paste into the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer spaghetti sauce for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
  3. Cook the pasta  until soft
  4. Put the pasta in with the sauce.
  5. Add beans and Hot sauce
  6. Drane it and get ready to serve.
Image result for spaghetti pastaRelated image
To complete this challenge, we had to complete the following:

TEAM - Make a team of 6 people … no more, no less

BUDGET - You have $12 to spend (you will need to bring $2 each)

QUANTITIES - You must plan your meal for 6 people

HEALTHY - Your meal must be healthy & nutritious

MENU IDEAS - Find some recipes and visit the Countdown website for food costs.

RECIPE & PLAN - Use your instructional/procedural writing skills to write clear instructions for your team to follow when you are preparing your meal. You will need to make sure you have the correct quantities, include all ingredients and equipment you will require e.g. large pot for cooking pasta, chopping knife, can opener etc.

credit to my group member and friend kush here is his post-


How it tasted 
Fine, it was a little spicy even though I skipped on the sauces. 

Overall experience 
Bad the table my group was sitting at didn't have enough room for everyone so I had to sit at another table.

Trip + how shopping went
not good my half my group was screaming for pickles but we didn't have enough money.

How you got on with the group 
Bad the screaming with the pickles was bad and everyone was grabbing and touching the ingredients when they didn't need to.

Monday, June 17, 2019

More PE

What makes a good team player? what skills and attributes do you need to display/use?
talking to other teammates.

What is your role within your team? what does your role involve?
Water boy getting water and cheering.

How could you be a better team player? list 3 things to work on and how you can be successful at this?
Communicating by talking.
Getting the ball by taking the ball.
Passing the ball by throwing the ball at people.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hurumanu - Balloon Chemistry

Hurumanu - Balloon Chemistry

Aim: To see which chemical 
mix creates the most gas.

Hypothesis: (What do I think will happen) 
I think the salt and soda will make more bubbles but the other one will make more gas.

  1.  2 bottles
  2.  2 ballons
  3.  3t baking soda
  4.  1/2 cup of vinegar
  5.  3t salt
  6.  1/2 cup soda
  1.  put vinegar into the bottle
  2.  fill a balloon with baking soda 
  3.  put the balloon over the top and shake it to get the baking soda out 
  4. then watch as the balloon fills up 
  5. repeat steps 1 through 4 but with salt and soda
My images:


Balloon 1
( 3 tsp baking soda, ½ cup vinegar)
Balloon 2
( 3 tsp salt, ½ cup soda)

Balloon Size (cm)
(small, medium, large)
