
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

100 words

here is a 100-word challenge about but it is the wrong colour.

"Can I have some green paper?"
"Ok, here you go".
"I ask for green not red".
"This is green".
"No, it’s red".
"It’s green".
"But it’s the wrong colour".
"Are you colour blind?".
"I don’t think so".
"You might be let’s take an online test".
"What number do you see?"
"What about now?"
"It says you're colour blind and that red is green and green is red for you".
"Can I have some red paper instead then?"
"Ok, here you go".

"And when he was done it looked terrible to everyone but him".

Monday, April 8, 2019



Aim: To separate colours from skittles by using the chromatography.

Definition: Chromatography is a method of separating out materials from a mixture.
Eg. blood, ink, drugs,


1. Yellow skittle. 

2. Red skittle. 
3. Orange skittle. 
4. Purple skittle. 
5. Green skittle. 
6. Petrie dish.
7. Water.

 Step 1: Get stuff you need.
 Step 2: Put skittles in Petrie dish.
 Step 3: Spread the skittles across the Petrie dish going to each edge of it with them remember to spread out equally.
 Step 4: Pour water into dish.
 Step 5: Watch.
 Step 6: Eat.

Conclusion: What have I learnt from this experiment?

This was a fun experiment and so cool to watch but the skittles were hard and sticky after we pulled them out of the water the reason the skittles looked liked they melted is that they have a food coating that comes of in water.

Rainbow Paper

Hurumanu - Rainbow Paper

Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.

Definition: Chromatography is a method of separating out materials from a mixture.
Eg. blood, ink, drugs,

A crime has been committed. The police have a signed cheque and a letter from the same crime scene but it seems like the handwriting is different. They have 3 suspects but not enough evidence. They need to know if the letter and the cheque were written by the same person.

How do they tell if the pens used for both of these pieces of evidence are the same?

Related imageRelated imageImage result for chromatography

Rainbow paper


1. Paper.
2. Pencil.
3. Ruler.
4. 2 markers.
5. Cup.
6. Water.


Step 1: Get paper.
Step 2: Rule a line with the pencil 1cm away from the bottom of the paper.
Step 3: Draw 2 dots on the line.
Step 4: Fold the paper over the side of the cup.
Step 5: Pour a little bit of water in the cup.
Step 6: Watch.

Conclusion: What have I learnt from this experiment?

Water travels up the paper because water is sticky and the molecules like to stay together and go up.

10 chems

Aim: To learn the names of 10 household chemicals and identify if they are a solid, liquid or a gas.


1. Soap.
2. Lemon juice.
3. Salt.
4. Vinegar.
5. Sugar.
6. Milk.
7. Onion.
8. Lemonade.
9. Bleach.
10. Baking Soda.

Task 1: Put the 10 chemicals in a chart with the titles - Name, Chemical ingredient(s), Image, Solid/Liquid/Gas.

I learned a lot about chemicals lots of it I don't understand but I know about different chemicals now at least.

Sodium and potassium salts
Image result for soap
Solid / liquid
Lemon juice
Citrus acid
Image result for lemon juice
Sodium chloride
Image result for salt
Acetic acid and water
Image result for vinegar
glucose and fructose
Image result for sugar
Calcimum hydroxide
Image result for milk
Onion gas
Allium cepa
Image result for onion
Image result for lemonade
Sodium hypochlorite
Image result for bleach cleaner
Bakeing soda
Sodium bicarbonate
Image result for baking soda

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


What artwork did you make and why did you make them? I made bird feet out of trash to make a bird stand up and to use rubbish to make art.

What did you do to help the community? We helped the community by cleaning up trash at Kyle Park