
Friday, March 15, 2019

Playback Module

What did you do on Tuesday?
We played games but we modified them. My game was ripper touch but I didn't get to play. Here are the rules

  • Need to rip two rippers two be a handover.
  • Seven a side = 14 players
  • If the player with ball touched two times then its a handover.
  • You are not allowed a forward pass.
  • Not allowed to tackle.

Did your sport group get a well long?
No, because players were distracted.

What do you need to change for next time?
We need to listen better and concentrate on the game.

What are you looking forward to when you present?
Playing touch rugby.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Camera angles in movies

This is for music movie module here are some types of shots.
shoulder-over the shoulder Image result for over the shoulder shot

overview-from the topImage result for overview shot

close up-zoom in on the faceImage result for close up shot

long shot-far awayImage result for longshot movie example

side view- from the sideRelated image

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Trash Art

What is the purpose? 
We have to collect rubbish and make art with it

What is the purpose?
To clean up the community 

How much rubbish do you think we are going to collect why do you think that?
20 kilos 

What colour do you think you will find most of and why?
Green there's a lot of bottles

 What type of art would you like to create?
Something with the green glass

Monday, March 11, 2019

The Murder Of Goldilocks

Hey welcome  this post is about my music class for some reason we're making movies  for some reason but my movie is the murder of Goldilocks here's the script 

ps different colors  for different people  


Narrator: “once upon a time a girl came across a house with nobody home so she decided to break in”

Goldilocks: “all I have to do is throw this rock through the window and climb in then unlock the door”

(Goldilocks) throws the fake rock a window climbs through and unlocks the door.

Narrator: “as she wanders into the house she tries to find something valuable to steal but instead, she finds some meat in three bowls. When she got up to the bowls she saw one bowl that was cooked one that wasn't cooked and one that was overcooked. She decided to eat the one that was just right for her it was the cooked one”

Goldilocks: “hey that’s pretty good I'll go look for something to steal now”

(dad) tries to put the key in the door.

Mum: “what’s wrong honey”  

Dad: “it's unlocked”

Baby: “is someone inside daddy?”

Dad: ”let’s go into together.

(Goldilocks) she hears the tigers and tries to hide

Dad: “split up if you find them yell”

Baby+mum: ok

(Baby) find’s Goldilocks

(Goldilocks) kick’s baby in the stomach and tries to run

(dad) blocks her

Beres mall goldilocks


and when I can I will put up the movie bye.

Friday, March 1, 2019

26th Playback

here are some reflection goals.

what did I find challenging and why
getting the ball passed people they were tall

one of the goals was to listen... what skills do you need to have to be a good listener
good hearing

what communication skills do you need when playing bench ball
a loud voice

what skill do I need to work on for my next lesson
my voice

what is a personal goal I want to work on today