
Thursday, August 20, 2020


 About 1600 troops invaded the western Taranaki settlement of Parihaka, which had come to symbolise peaceful resistance to the confiscation of Māori land.
Founded in the mid-1860s, Parihaka was soon attracting dispossessed and disillusioned Māori from around the country. Its main leaders were Te Whiti-o-Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi, both of the Taranaki and Te Āti Awa iwi.
When in May 1879 the colonial government moved to actually occupy fertile land in the Waimate Plains that had been declared confiscated in the 1860s, Te Whiti and Tohu developed tactics of non-violent resistance.
Ploughmen from Parihaka fanned out across Taranaki to assert continuing Māori ownership of the land. The government responded with laws targeting the Parihaka protesters and imprisoned several hundred ploughmen without trial.
Following an election in September 1879, the new government announced an enquiry into the confiscations while sending the ploughmen to South Island gaols. In 1880 the West Coast Commission recommended creating reserves for the Parihaka people. Meanwhile, the government began constructing roads across cultivated land. Men from Parihaka who rebuilt their fences soon joined the ploughmen in detention.
The prisoners were released in early 1881. After ploughing resumed in July, John Hall’s government decided to act decisively while Governor Sir Arthur Gordon was visiting Fiji. A proclamation on 19 October gave the ‘Parihaka natives’ 14 days to accept the reserves offered or face the consequences.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory describing the human needs the first level is physical needs like air and water basics for survival.  The second level are needs that make you feel safe like financial security. The third level is having friends. The fourth level is wanting to accomplish something. The fifth-level is doing whatever you want and achieving your full potential.

 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs | Simply Psychology


Gold is shiny

Gold was worth more

Gold can be sold

Gold feels hard

Gold looks like gold

Gold buys more gold

Gold makes money

Gold  often is worth money

Gold comes with dirt

Gold always is worth money

Gold brings money

Gold gives money

Gold has money

Gold will give you money

Gold provides money









I have the miners madness