
Tuesday, November 10, 2020



Leo means lion


Leo is thought to be the lion of Nemea slain by Heracles as the first of his 12 labours Really Cool Facts About the Constellation Leo - Universavvy

Monday, September 21, 2020

making water


-take a small test tube 

-add a small amount of magnesium metal

-then add hydrochloric acid and put a boiling tube upside down

-after 5 mins keep the test tube upside down but put it over the burner flame 

-you should hear the hydrogen explode and see water

Friday, September 4, 2020


 In PE we learnt about

A square has 4 sides each side is 3cm wide so to get Perimeter you just add all side together 3 x 4 = 12

Area And Perimeter - Lessons - Tes Teach


mm cm m 

heart rate
The rate at which your heartbeats

g kg 

I didn't learn much I already knew all of the stuff we learnt
Did you know all of this stuff?

Thursday, August 20, 2020


 About 1600 troops invaded the western Taranaki settlement of Parihaka, which had come to symbolise peaceful resistance to the confiscation of Māori land.
Founded in the mid-1860s, Parihaka was soon attracting dispossessed and disillusioned Māori from around the country. Its main leaders were Te Whiti-o-Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi, both of the Taranaki and Te Āti Awa iwi.
When in May 1879 the colonial government moved to actually occupy fertile land in the Waimate Plains that had been declared confiscated in the 1860s, Te Whiti and Tohu developed tactics of non-violent resistance.
Ploughmen from Parihaka fanned out across Taranaki to assert continuing Māori ownership of the land. The government responded with laws targeting the Parihaka protesters and imprisoned several hundred ploughmen without trial.
Following an election in September 1879, the new government announced an enquiry into the confiscations while sending the ploughmen to South Island gaols. In 1880 the West Coast Commission recommended creating reserves for the Parihaka people. Meanwhile, the government began constructing roads across cultivated land. Men from Parihaka who rebuilt their fences soon joined the ploughmen in detention.
The prisoners were released in early 1881. After ploughing resumed in July, John Hall’s government decided to act decisively while Governor Sir Arthur Gordon was visiting Fiji. A proclamation on 19 October gave the ‘Parihaka natives’ 14 days to accept the reserves offered or face the consequences.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory describing the human needs the first level is physical needs like air and water basics for survival.  The second level are needs that make you feel safe like financial security. The third level is having friends. The fourth level is wanting to accomplish something. The fifth-level is doing whatever you want and achieving your full potential.

 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs | Simply Psychology


Gold is shiny

Gold was worth more

Gold can be sold

Gold feels hard

Gold looks like gold

Gold buys more gold

Gold makes money

Gold  often is worth money

Gold comes with dirt

Gold always is worth money

Gold brings money

Gold gives money

Gold has money

Gold will give you money

Gold provides money









I have the miners madness

Thursday, July 30, 2020



  1. Write down a minimum of 10 thoughts or observations about this picture.
ASK:... How, When. Where, Why, Who? .. to help you make decide what to write.
i) made of stone
ii) hay roof
iii) 1890's
v) Gabriel's gully
vi) for gold
vii) miners
viii) table
ix) people
x) barrels
  1. When you have finished, search for information on, the New Zealand Gold Rush’ and make notes in the box below re. What you have found out in your search. Ask How, When, Where, Why, Who again to sort your information.

His discovery sparked the country's first major gold rush. Thousands of diggers rushed to 'Gabriel's Gully' hoping to strike it rich. ... The Otago gold rush peaked in the mid-1860s, after which miners left in large numbers for the new West Coast goldfields.

                                                                                                     Gold panning 
Gold Rush (New Zealand) | Many Answers3. Draw (or copy and paste)  and label an image you’ve found during your research.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

resting heart rate

Your resting heart rate (RHR) is the number of times your heart beats per minute (bpm) while at complete rest. It is an indicator of your physical fitness. Your resting heart rate will decrease as your heart becomes stronger through aerobic exercise training.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

4 photos

What is the first thing you notice in the photo?
The ugly beard
Why do you think the photo was taken?
they wanted one
What clues tell you how old the photo might be?
black and white
If there are people, what are they doing?
What can you see in the background?
What do you think is going on just outside the frame?
What do you think happened before and after the photo was taken?
walk to photo place leave photo place
What is the first thing you notice in the photo?
Why do you think the photo was taken?
they wanted a photo 
What clues tell you how old the photo might be?
the tag
If there are people, what are they doing?
What can you see in the background?
What do you think is going on just outside the frame?
What do you think happened before and after the photo?
standing standing
What is the first thing you notice in the photo?
ghost child (bottom left near the clock)
Why do you think the photo was taken?
the queen wanted a photo
What clues tell you how old the photo might be?
the tag
If there are people, what are they doing?
being clocks
What can you see in the background?
What do you think is going on just outside the frame?
more clocks
What do you think happened before and after the photo?
getting dreesed up trick or treating
What is the first thing you notice in the photo?
The tail in the background
Why do you think the photo was taken?
she wanted a photo
What clues tell you how old the photo might be?
the tag
If there are people, what are they doing?
What can you see in the background?
What do you think is going on just outside the frame?
a mutant rat
What do you think happened before and after the photo?
walk to photo place leave photo place

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Studying history is important because you learn stuff from the past so you improve the future. I like these 3 Historic events ... in 1642 Abel Tasman anchored at Golden Bay, in 1769 NZ was sighted by Captain James Cook and in 1840 The Treaty of Waitangi was signed and 3 more recent events that have happened in our country are the coronavirus, Matariki and the Mosque shootings. We are reading Gavin Bishop's account of his childhood in the 1950s.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Mahinaga Kai


we had to make graph this is graph

Thursday, June 11, 2020


here is how much sodiam is in food most to least

Monday, June 8, 2020

New Zealand history

The first explorer in New Zealand was Able Tasman he arrived in 1642 the next explorer was James Cook he arrived in 1769 the chief navigator was tupia they brought pigs potatoes and diseases to new New Zealand
A musket is a rifle they started the musket wars which ended in the 1830's

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Martian review

In 2035, the crew of the Ares III mission to Mars is exploring Acidalia Planitia on Martian solar day (sol) 18 of their 31-sol expedition. A severe dust storm threatens to topple their Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV). The mission is scrubbed, but as the crew evacuates, astronaut Mark Watney is struck by debris and lost in the storm. The telemetry from his suit's biomonitor is damaged and Watney is presumed dead. With the MAV on the verge of toppling, the surviving crew take off for their orbiting vessel, the Hermes.
Watney awakens after the storm, injured and with a low-oxygen warning. He returns to the crew's surface habitat ("Hab") and treats his wound. As Watney recovers, he begins a video diary. Lacking communication with Earth, his only chance of rescue is via the next Mars mission, four years later: the Ares IV will be landing 3,200 kilometres (2,000 mi) away at the Schiaparelli crater. Watney's immediate concern is food; being the mission's botanist, he improvises a garden inside the Hab utilizing Martian soil fertilized with the crew's bio-waste and manufactures water from leftover rocket fuel. He then plants the crew's unused Thanksgiving dinner potatoes to supplement his food supply. He also begins modifying the rover for the long-distance trek to the Ares IV landing site.
On Earth, NASA satellite planner Mindy Park, reviewing aerial Hab images, notices moved equipment and realizes Mark is alive. NASA director, Teddy Sanders, publicly releases the news, though the Ares III crew (still on route to Earth) are not told so that they remained focused on their mission. Sanders overrules Hermes flight director Mitch Henderson, who believes the crew should know.
Watney takes the rover to retrieve the nearby Pathfinder probe, which fell silent in 1997. Using Pathfinder's camera and motor, he establishes rudimentary two-way communication with Earth, first using hand-written signs, and then sending and receiving ASCII in hexadecimal. NASA transmits a software patch to link the rover with Pathfinder and communicate via text. Watney is angry that the Hermes crew is unaware that he is alive; Sanders finally allows Henderson to inform them.
Mars mission director, Vincent Kapoor, and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) director Bruce Ng prepare an Iris space probe to deliver enough food for Watney to survive until Ares IV's arrival. Meanwhile, the Hab's airlock malfunctions, depressurizing and damaging the Hab. Watney repairs it, but the Martian atmosphere and temperature have killed the potato plants and sterilized the soil. Believing it a low risk, Sanders orders the routine pre-flight safety inspections be bypassed to expedite the probe's launch. The rocket explodes 51 seconds after liftoff. Watney now believes his death on Mars is inevitable.
The China National Space Administration has been developing a powerful classified booster rocket, the Taiyang Shen. Feeling camaraderie with NASA's scientists, they violate their government's secrecy and offer to repeat the Iris mission. As Watney's situation grows riskier as time passes, JPL astrodynamics Rich Purnell devises an alternative plan: have the Taiyang Shen rendezvous with and resupply the Hermes, which will then use Earth's gravity to "slingshot" back to Mars two years earlier than Ares IV. Sanders rejects the idea, considering it too risky for the Hermes crew. Henderson surreptitiously sends Purnell's plan to the crew; they unanimously vote to implement it, disabling NASA's remote controls and making the course change. Powerless to stop them, NASA concedes the issue. Sanders informs Henderson that he will expect his resignation upon the crew's return.
Watney begins the 90-sol journey to Schiaparelli, where the MAV for Ares IV has been pre-positioned. The MAV needs to be lightened to intercept with Hermes on its new course. Watney removes many components, and replaces the nose cone with canvas. After takeoff, the MAV fails to reach the required speed. Commander Lewis maneuvers the Hermes to decelerate by using the spacecraft's RCS system. She also orders an directional explosive decompression of the internal atmosphere to better align the ship. In a Manned Maneuvering Unit, Lewis is unable to reach Watney when the tether falls short. Watney pierces his pressure suit, using the escaping air to successfully propel himself to Lewis. He and the crew are reunited after Mark's 560 sols alone on Mars.
After returning to Earth, Watney becomes a survival instructor for astronaut candidates. Five years later, as the Ares V (commanded by Martinez) is about to launch, those involved in Watney's rescue are seen in their current lives. 

good movie best part was the explosion where all the potatoes freeze 

why can you not light a fire on mars?
no air
why is mars so cold?
Mars is drier and colder than Earth, and in consequence, the dust raised by these winds tends to remain in the atmosphere longer than on Earth as there is no precipitation to wash it out (excepting CO2 snowfall).
how long would it take to send a radio message to mars?
24 min
was there ever water on mars?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


The weird pale Regan yells annoyingly at the place.