
Thursday, November 30, 2017


Yesterday we did athletics but I was only around to do sprints because of  my hey fever and when I did it I couldn't even see so I will be talking about my practices. I missed the first day of practice but on the 2nd day we did long jump which I'm terrible at discus which I'm OK at and sock put witch I'm terrible at. On the final practices day we were having a rest to start off. Then we did high jump but I started from the wrong side so I switched and was way beater. Then more shock put until it was home time. The next day was normal until everyone did sprints we had to sit on the grass until it was the year 5 boys turn. But buy the time I started ruining my hey fever was acting up and I came in last place.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Golden Tigers

In this post I will be writing about what I have been doing for the past 2 weeks and why golden tigers are so rare and the first golden tiger ever born than just normal facts about tigers thank you for reading.

Golden tigers are the 2nd rarest tigers in the world next to blue tigers or Maltese tigers but golden tigers are not a separate species they are just a subspecies of a regular bagel tiger and there are only an odd 30 golden tigers in captivity as of 2013. The reason they are so rare is because of a recessive gene (DNA both parents have that the child inherits from both parents). My hipofisis is that the golden tiger will no longer be
endangered one day.

Image result for golden tigers
The first golden tiger cub ever born in captivity was in 1983 at Dr. Josip Marcan’s Adriatic animal attractions in Deland Florida. It’s parents were Bengal tigers which both had the gene for golden tigers and the white tiger here is a Wikipedia to show you all about Bengal tigers.  Most golden tigers are bred in captivity by accident when breeding Bengal tigers and white Bengal tigers.
Image result for golden tigers
Golden tiger have the same attributes as a regular tiger so now I will start listing some facts about tigers you may not have known and some may know.

Baby tigers are called cubs they are usually born in twins and they weigh about 4 pounds or 1.81437 kg's at birth. Cubs don’t  ever see their fathers because male and female tigers only come together to mate and the mothers are left to take care of the cubs. Cubs drink their mother's milk for 3 or 4 months before they are ready to eat meat.

#1 Tigers love pumpkins that’s right tigers love pumpkins they play with it like a ball of yarn they must think it is one here’s a video to show you Tigers love pumpkins

#2 Tigers like swimming most cats hate swimming but tigers like it or can at least deal with it lions, leopards, and stuff like that don’t like water but they can still swim just not well.

#3 Tigers can kill prey up to 5 times it’s own size like young elephants and young rhinos but most of the time they just kill deer and pig.

#4 Tigers can live in any environment such as swamps, tropical forests, evergreen forests, woodlands, grasslands, savannas, and mountains.

#5 Tigers have a length up to 3.3 meters or 11 feet and weighing up to 300 kilograms or 660 pounds.
#6 Tigers mark their territory by scratching trees and rubbing their face on the them to leave their scent behind.
#7 It is rare to see tigers in hunting packs of even 2 but this video proves that it’s not so rare Tigers vs drone: Felines go wild chasing flying prey.
#8 tigers have night vision 6 times better than humans

#9 Tigris is Greek for arrow so in Greek tigers are called arrow because tigers are great hunters.

Thank you for reading what I have been doing for the past 2 weeks I had to do a lot of research to get all this information and it was pretty hard because there isn't much of a difference from regular tigers apart from the history of golden tigers but conclusion I think golden tigers will no longer be endangered one day.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Understanding Lines Of Reflection DLO

Hi this week we have been learning lines of reflection it isn't that hard and I'm betting that after watching this you will understand it to bye and thanks for watching. 

How To play Chinese checkers

Hi this week we had to make instructions for bored games donated by the Warehouse me and my friend Hans (check his blog out chose Chinese checkers so we read the instructions which were pretty easy the name made it sound boring but I still had fun anyway here are the instructions.