
Monday, May 31, 2021

Game day

We were supposed to do something different but it's raining so we stayed inside to play games we play 4 games the ones my group played were operation, uno, connect 4, ping pong and water pong my IP skill for today was verble I showed this by encouraging the people I was playing with they also got very competitive with one another.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Do Now 3.2

Topic: Students have should have more mufti days.

I Agree.

The donations would raise more money for the school to do other things like school trips.

To reiterate, I Agree.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Do Now 3.1

 Topic: Cats are a better pet than dogs 

I agree with this statement because I have cats

Dogs need walking daily which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours and bark all night waking you up meanwhile all cats need are food and water witch only takes 5 minutes daily  

Friday, May 14, 2021

Week 2 Do Now

Topic: School uniforms should not be mandatory 

No, school uniforms should be mandatory it makes sure people know what there going to wear the next day and most of the money from the uniforms goes to the school to buy things.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Week 1 do now

Topic: school holidays should be only 1 week long.

School holidays should stay the same length as school already takes up over 2/3 of the year adding to that would leave us with only 2 holidays worth off time of including the Christmas holidays which ordinarily are (a long length).