
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Why Possums Are a Problem In NZ

Hi this week in reading we had to find out why possums are a problem in NZ by reading 2 books one was called Too many possums and the other was The possum problem our W.A.L.T. why possums are a problem in NZ was here are some reasons why and some facts thanks for reading.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Trick To Percentages

Hi this week we had to make a DLO about dividing percentages our WALT was finding percentages thanks for watching

Friday, September 22, 2017

Partly Cloudy

Hi this week we had to make a story about a video here is a link thank you for reading

It was a day like any other there was a beautiful pacific ocean sunset. The sky was orange and yellow. There were birds and clouds as fluffy as a cat put through a dryer.

I was delivering babies to windows puppies to kennels and other beasts to where they belong. Where do these beast come from you may be wondering? Well they come from the clouds the clouds grab a bit of themselves’ mould it into a beasts and shock it with lighting’ as blue as the sea.

Sometimes they would give them a toy like a ball to determine their future. Like if they get a football they will love football or a soccer ball they will love soccer. Once there wrapped in blankets it’s our job as storks to deliver them to their homes. All the have so much fun laughing and joking but there was one cloud below all the others he was sad that couldn't be as good as the other clouds at making beast’s. When he tried to make one he would make a monster like crocodiles, porcupines, and rams. The pour stalk that had to deliver them all he was almost dead he was missing feathers and he was sleep deprived. When ever he delivered a monster he would get hit and bit. Then one day he looked at the other clouds and stalks and wished he could deliver’ puppies and kittens but then he just carried on with his deliveries. When he came back the cloud had made a sheep shaped cloud the stalk when to hold it but when’ the cloud zapped it and it turned it into a porcupine. He tossed it from hand to hand as they got more and more prickly then the cloud put it into a blanket but the porcupine's spikes were going through the blanket. Then when he came back he had spikes in his head the cloud pulled the spikes out and some feathers come off the cloud takes them off and put them back on his head. Then he shows him a shark shaped cloud the stalk was so scared he flew away to the other clouds and got a new cloud to deliver for. Then the cloud got so mad he started making lightning and thunder then he looked how happy he was and started to cry and rain. But then he sore a feather looked over and it was the stalk with what the other cloud had made for him it was football gare. He put it on and asked for a delivery so the cloud made an electric eel and they were friends again.